Access to inventions

The University of Copenhagen holds a number of patented inventions with market potential. Companies can gain access to commercial use of an invention through a licensing agreement with the university. In some cases, a new company (spin-out) will be established to manage or develop an invention.

The inventions at the University of Copenhagen catalogue reflect the university's broad research portfolio and spans medtech, biotechnology, foodtech and advanced chemical technologies among other things I nogle tilfælde etableres der en ny virksomhed (spin-out) til at varetage eller videreudvikle en opfindelse.

In the catalogue are the current the inventions from the UCPH, which companies can gain access to through a licensing agreement. The presentations describe the technology, the business potential and contact information.

Invention Catalogue

Invention Area
On Demand-release of Micronutrients to Plants Advanced Materials and Technologies
Small-molecule NADPH oxidase 2 (NOX2) inhibitors for reducing oxidative stress and inflammation Biotech and Pharma
2Gold2Go: Simple, cost and energy efficient production of gold nanomaterials Advanced Materials and Technologies
CaSR nanobodies: Novel therapeutics for treating secondary hyperparathyroidism in patients with chronic kidney disease Biotech and Pharma
First-in-class treatment of Gram-negative infections Biotech and Pharma
SAFE Patch: Rethinking drug delivery Biotech and Pharma