Strategic Partnerships

The University of Copenhagen is involved in long-term strategic partnerships with selected national and international partners. These may be companies, public authorities and organisations.

What is a strategic partnership?

A strategic partnership can be with the whole university, but also with a faculties or a larger department.

The partnerships typically have a duration of at least five years with an expectation of extension. The goal is for the partners to develop a close collaboration on research, education and/or innovation.

How is a partnership established?

A strategic partnership agreement usually consists of an overall framework agreement describing the partners' potential areas of collaboration.

In addition, a project catalogue will be drawn up that provides an overview of ongoing projects, ideas for future collaboration as well as any special agreements on access to the university's facilities and activities.

Agreements in connection with partnerships that involve the IPR and financing are concluded at project level.

What does strategic partnerships cover?

The partners might collaborate on:

  • Research and innovation projects – co-funded or externally funded
  • Industrial PhDs and Postdocs
  • Access to research facilities (laboratories, special equipment, etc.)
  • Co-operation with students, e.g. on thesis writing or internship courses
  • Networking opportunities – e.g. meetings with researchers, attending careers fairs
  • Continuing and further education