UCPH Global
The UCPH Global portal provides easy access to the University of Copenhagen's globally oriented interdisciplinary networks and units within research, education and collaboration.
The listed networks and units are organised with either a thematic or regional focus and coordinate collaboration and activities across the University of Copenhagen as well as globally in relation to strategic partnerships with some of the best universities in the world. Activities include international conferences, seminars, summer schools and case challenges.
Global Development Network
The University of Copenhagen's entry point for interdisciplinary activities related to global development and the Global South.
Centre of African Studies
A key hub of research, teaching and networking within the global African Studies environment.
Sustainability Science Centre
The centre is the University of Copenhagen's interdisciplinary gateway to research, education and activities in the fields of sustainability and climate.
COPE - Copenhagen Centre for Disaster Research
A platform for interdisciplinary research, teaching and networking on disasters and climate change issues.
School of Global Health
Coordinating the University of Copenhagen's educational initiatives, employability efforts, study environment and communication within global health.
Asian Dynamics Initiative
Platform for interdisciplinary research and teaching activities relating to Asia at the University of Copenhagen.